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17 Year Old Gorilla Shot After Boy Falls Into Enclosure

Harambe's Tragic Death: A Timeline of Events

17-Year-Old Gorilla Shot After Boy Falls into Enclosure

On May 28, 2016, the world was shocked by the tragic death of Harambe, a 17-year-old western lowland gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo. The incident unfolded after a four-year-old boy fell into the gorilla's enclosure.

Excruciating Minutes and a Painful Decision

For approximately 10 agonizing minutes, Harambe was seen dragging the boy around the enclosure. Zoo officials were faced with a difficult decision: tranquilizing the animal would have taken too long, potentially endangering the child's life. In the end, they made the heartbreaking choice to shoot and kill Harambe to protect the boy.

Outrage and Grief on Social Media

The killing of Harambe sparked outrage and grief on social media, with many questioning why the zoo officials did not wait for the tranquilizers to take effect. The incident has raised important questions about zoo safety protocols and the ethics of animal welfare.
